Next Step: Any action a person takes towards loving God, loving people, and making disciples.

Know God
How can I start to follow jesus?
Have you ever asked the question: Is there more to life than this?
Well, there is more. Abundantly more!
Are you aware that you have been designed for greatness and that you have eternal purpose and infinite value? God has known you from before you were born and loves you more than you could possibly imagine. He wants to be in a relationship with you!
The Bible says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).
Prayer to receive Jesus
If you would like to receive Jesus today, simply pray this prayer:
God, I know that I have made mistakes and done things that have hurt Your heart. I confess these things to You as sin. I ask You to forgive me of every wrong in my life, and to make me clean. Jesus, I invite you to be my Saviour and the Lord of my life, and I choose to follow You every day. Thank-you for rescuing me from my sin, for making me a new person, and for inviting me into Your family as Your son/daughter. Thank-you for the incredible future You have for me—starting right now! I ask that You fill me now with Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
If you prayed that prayer to accept Jesus into your life, that is amazing and we are so excited for you. And, hey, we’d love to celebrate and walk beside you in your new journey. Let us know→
What now?
Did you know that Jesus promised that we could live an abundant life in Him? It’s true! Here are some ways you can begin to embrace your relationship with Jesus and grow in your understanding and faith:
Start reading your Bible.
Encounter God through daily prayer.
Regularly attend a Bible-based church and get plugged in.
Get baptized.
Get Baptized
We believe that baptism is an important step of obedience for everyone who has received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. It is the best way to express your faith and reflect your life change.
Baptism is a public declaration that “Jesus is Lord” and that you’re following Him. It signifies dying to our old way of living when we are submerged, and entering into new life in Jesus we come up out of the water. Jesus was baptized and we follow His example.
If you've made the decision to follow Jesus, this is your next step.

Attend a Welcome Night
If you've started attending Kingdom City in the past year or so, we'd love for you to join us! Whether you’ve been trekking along with us for the past few months, you’ve been attending on-and-off for the better part of a year, or you’ve just started checking us out online, this is the perfect event for anyone new (or new-ish) who is looking to get connected.
Check here regularly for upcoming Welcome Nights.
We were made for community
Church is so much more than just a Sunday service. It's about growing alongside one another and living out our faith every day. Life was not meant to be lived alone and it's God’s desire that we would do life together.
Communities are simply groups of people who intentionally gather on a regular basis. This is a big church, and it’s easy to feel disconnected, unknown, and even lost. Communities invite you to be deeply known and cared for by the family of God; to eat, pray, serve, support, connect, and truly belong.

Get Equipped
Basic Training
Throughout the year, Kingdom City hosts a variety of training events and courses to develop volunteers’ ministry tools.
Spiritual Growth
Focused events and courses, like Encountering the Holy Spirit or Soul Care Journey, to help us grow in our relationship with Jesus and in our Kingdom identity.
Foundational discipleship seminars that expand our spiritual knowledge and take us deeper.
Key, multi-day events providing catalytic Kingdom teaching, powerful worship, and activation moments to make it personal.
Be part of the family
One-time events or ongoing commitments, behind-the-scenes or front-and-center—whatever your joy, we’ve got a place for you to serve. Join our Serve Team and experience connection and fulfillment as we work together to change the world.