Our Journey
“You will be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will bestow.”
Seeking God for His name for us
Around about 2008, Airdrie Alliance Church began to sense God whispering that one day in the future He would have a new name for us. Throughout 2014–2018, every Elders’ Board has sought God’s timing for this. We have shared this direction at our Annual General Meetings with our Members and congregation while waiting for God’s timing.
In November 2017, the Elders voted unanimously to proceed with this endeavour, believing that the time had come to seek a new name from God. We sensed God was going to give us a name that would pull us into His destiny for us and our city.
The official process of seeking God for His name for us started with deep prayer and discernment in January 2018. In February, a Sub Committee was tasked with guiding the process including full and deep covering in prayer from start to finish. Our church family was encouraged to join in this process by praying first and foremost, and by submitting name suggestions. By mid-April, we had received 95 suggestions, plus 105 from our kids’ ministry! At the end of April (2018), the Sub Committee concluded their prayerful deliberations, and the name God ultimately led them to was presented to the Board of Elders who voted to accept the name.
Throughout the journey, we have believed that the new name would reflect the vision He has given us to be a people who are Releasing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. And we believe God honoured our individual and corporate prayers for direction and discernment!
“I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
Our church is a city within a city. We know it is God who planted us here in Airdrie, a community whose name means “The King’s Heights” or “High Places of the King.” We believe that the new name God has given us better expresses our heart and vision, and more fully releases us to live into our destiny as a church, a people, and a place where God is King and we are making His Kingdom known.
One of the great affirming moments for the Sub Committee was when they saw the frequency of the words “Kingdom” and “City” in suggestions received from the congregation. About one year ago we revealed our new purpose of Releasing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth—and what better way to live into our Kingdom role than by being a Kingdom City. We are a City “set on a hill” (Matthew 5:14-16). We are a City that will proclaim His Kingship to our community, this region, and the world. We are a City that will reach families, kids, youth, and adults of all ages with the freedom and fullness found only in Jesus.