Jesus told His followers to be baptized. If you’ve received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and are following Him, it’s important that you obey Him and take this next step. Baptism shows others that you’ve made a life change and are now following Jesus.
We hold Baptism services a couple times per year, registration will open once a service has been announced.
Next Baptism Service is Good Friday, April 18th 7:00pm Service
If you have any questions please email:
Who can be baptized?
Anyone who has made a personal decision to follow Jesus as Lord and Saviour can be baptized. At Kingdom City we do wait to baptize children until 10 years of age when they are generally ready to express their own decision to follow Jesus and understand the meaning of baptism.
How does Kingdom City baptize?
Because the original Greek words for baptism mean "to be immersed, dipped, or completely covered," we baptize by immersion. Also, we believe that going under the water best symbolizes what happens to us when we become a Christ-follower: going down under the water signifies the death of our old life and coming up out of the water signifies the new life we receive when we make Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
What will happen during the baptism?
The Pastor will read your prepared two-sentence testimony (more information about this at your Baptism Information Session), and then ask you: Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? (you respond); Will you now declare, "Jesus is Lord and I'm following Him"? (you respond)
The Pastor will then say, "I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit," and will baptize you!
What should I wear to be baptized?
Wear a dark shirt and knee-length shorts. Shorts and a t-shirt may be borrowed from the church if you do not have any. Remember to bring a towel and dry undergarments.
What do I do on baptism day?
Fifteen minutes before the service, meet the Pastor by the baptism tank in the Sanctuary. He/she will give you instructions and answer any last-minute questions. Invite your friends and family to sit close to the front so they can take photos or video, if you wish. This is a special day!
Is there anything to do ahead of time?
- Spend time reading and meditating on Scripture (Romans 6:1–14, Ephesians 1, Ephesians 3:8–13, Matthew 28:18–20, Isaiah 55, Psalm 91).
- Spend time praying. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the significance of this day to you. Ask for (and expect!) an encounter with Jesus and believe for the resurrection power of Christ to be released in you as you get baptized.
- Ask others to pray for you.
- Invite friends and family to your baptism.