The fullest expression in life is found when individuals, communities, and cities worship God.
We were created to worship God. We were created to express praises to God out of complete thankfulness for who He is, what He has done, and for how He delights in us. When we worship, we are moved from a self-focused perspective to a God-focused perspective. When we worship, our souls are encouraged. When we worship, the supernatural is released. When we worship, battles are won.
Who We Are
The Kingdom City Worship Ministry exists to worship Jesus, to inspire and lead others in doing the same. We are Jesus-centered; longing to be a church that worships Jesus with passion, expectancy and intentionality. We are Holy Spirit inspired, led, and empowered. We are listening and obediently following Holy Spirit’s promptings. We come before our King in bold anticipation of His meeting with us, and we respond to His grace and goodness through bold declaration of who he is! We desire to be a ministry that is never static, one that grows and evolves to best connect with the culture of the day while reflecting the heart and vision of our church to see The Kingdom of Heaven released on earth. Through our worship we long to passionately and effectively lead our church family and see others drawn into our community. We long to see the entirety of our church highly engaged in worship each time we gather, and for God to manifest Himself in our presence.
The Worship Team
The worship team is made up of a group of people who love Jesus and are passionate about serving and worshipping Him through music. They practice, they pursue excellence in their craft, and they seek the Lord’s face knowing that true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. The team of musicians and vocalists invest personal time practicing songs that are grounded in truth and that minister to the heart of God, prayerfully selected by the worship leader. Rehearsals are then organized for the team prior to service times. The worship team ultimately exists to point the congregation to Jesus through their own worship of Him.
The Production Team
The Production Team is a key group of servant-leaders who love Jesus and provide support for our Worship Teams where together, they create an atmosphere for people to personally encounter God. As we continue to provide an online worship experience through live stream, this team is looking for individuals who can use their gifts and skills to complete tasks in a fun, fast-paced, attentive, and creative environment. If you love Jesus and want to be part of releasing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth through creative technology, we’d love for you to consider one of the following roles:
A Camera Operator is responsible for creatively capturing designated aspects of Kingdom City’s live worship experience. Camera Operators are individuals who exhibit a developing understanding of video principles including lighting, staging, focusing, and filtering to achieve a cinematic look for broadcasting. Operators will be required and comfortable to operate tripod and monopod mounted cameras, as well some handheld camera operation.
The Front of House (FOH) Sound Engineer is the one responsible for setting and maintaining audio levels in the venue to facilitate the heart and sound of Kingdom City’s worship experience. The FOH Engineer is a crucial link between the platform teams (speakers, musicians, and singers) and the live audience. Worship engagements include Sunday morning services, special events, conferences, and off-site events.
The Lighting Technician is responsible for operating all lighting equipment used in the execution of services and special events. Using specialized lighting in worship is a tremendous benefit in setting an appropriate worship environment. Lighting Technicians are attentive, bring a measure of creativity, and are integral to creating an atmosphere for people to engage in worship.
The Media Operator is responsible for operating the media station and presentation software during worship engagements including Sunday morning services, special events, and conferences. Media content includes lyrics for worship, video’s, and PowerPoint presentations. All media is run through the user friendly ProPresenter 7 software. The Media Operator works in partnership with the platform leader to lead the congregation in worship to God.
Get Involved
If you desire to get involved in the worship ministry we would love to hear from you. Please fill out an application for us to review!