Giving made easy.
Your generosity allows us to continue investing into life-changing, Kingdom-building opportunities. Together, let’s make a bigger impact in our local community and the world.
Your generosity allows us to continue investing into life-changing, Kingdom-building opportunities. Together, let’s make a bigger impact in our local community and the world.
Give once or set up recurring giving by clicking on the link below. All you need is your name, email, and credit card information.
Download the Church Centre App to give once or set up recurring giving… More details
Send your cheque (do not mail cash) donations to:
Kingdom City Church
1604 Summerfield Blvd. SE
Airdrie, AB T4B1C7
Login to online or mobile banking at your participating financial institution and choose Interac e-Transfer within the transfer/payment menu option... More details
Set up a bill payment with your bank and add Kingdom City as a payee. To get your unique 7-digit account number (required by the bank) contact our office.
You can always give with cash, cheque, or debit at any in-person worship service. Offering envelopes are available at the debit machine in the foyer.
Your giving changes lives forever.
Everything at Kingdom City happens because of God’s generosity to and through people like you. Equipping events, compassionate responses, community outreach, contributions to global missions—they are all ways we are helping to change our world.
God’s amazing goodness compels us to give back: to honour Him, partner with Him in releasing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and to show that we trust Him to provide again and again.
Give once or set-up recurring giving. All you need is your name, email, and credit card information.
You can use the Church Centre App to give once or set-up recurring giving. First, download the app from your Apple or Android store. Open the app and use your current location to find: Kingdom City. Next, use your phone number to log in or create an account and begin giving directly through the app.
Send your cheque (do not mail cash) donations to:
Kingdom City Church
1604 Summerfield Blvd.
Airdrie, AB T4B1C7
Please Note: If you are giving towards a special fund, be sure to indicate the fund (i.e., “Compassion Fund”).
Login to online or mobile banking at your participating financial institution and choose Interac e-Transfer within the transfer/payment menu option. Use the email account:, and enter the amount you wish to give. There is no need for a security question.
If you would like to receive a tax receipt, include the following in the e-Transfer notes:
Your donor number (issued by the church) or your full name, telephone number, and address
The email address you would like your tax receipt sent to (if you are a first-time donor)
Set-up a bill payment with your bank and add Kingdom City as a payee. To get your unique 7-digit account number (required by the bank) contact our office.
You can always give in person at any weekend worship service. Offering envelopes are available in the sanctuary chair-backs and at the debit machine.
Cash/Cheque—Either drop your donation in the offering during the service or in the drop box located in the foyer (left of the café) after the service.
Debit—Use our debit machine located in the foyer (left of the café). Follow instructions posted there.
The Board of Elders and leadership of Kingdom City carefully choose and approve the programs and projects your giving will fund. Donations you designate to a specific fund/project of Kingdom City will be used as you’ve requested until that particular need has been fully met, or can no longer be completed. After that, donations will be used firstly for similar projects and then where needed most, as determined by the leadership. Please Note: Total annual giving of $25 or less will not be receipted unless requested.
For questions or concerns related to giving, contact
You can log in and manage your own giving online. Access your giving history, view giving statements, and update your notifications, payment methods, recurring giving.