Kingdom City Youth
Grades 6–12
The heartbeat of this group is Jesus! We love students wherever they’re at, and seek to point them towards Jesus through worship, teaching, and high-energy fun! We want to create a free space for teens to pursue God, ask questions, grow in their faith, and fully embrace their God-given identities. This is a place to experience authentic community. This is a place to be yourself and have fun. This is a place to belong.
Kingdom City Youth Worship Team
It is our intent at Kingdom City to identify, equip, and release musicians, vocalists, and leaders in an effort to develop a culture of worship, not only within the church and/or youth group, but in your everyday lives. If you are a part of Kingdom City Youth (currently in Grades 6-12), gifted in the area of music and would like to apply to join our Kingdom City Youth Worship Team, please fill out an application.
Follow @mykingdom_city.youth on Instagram for any last-minute event updates as well as great online content.

Hey, Parents!
We want you to know that we care deeply about your teens and their safety. Our Youth leaders and volunteers are fully screened and trained. We follow Plan to Protect policies, including teen-to-worker ratios.
Annual Registration (2024-2025)
As part of our Safe Church practices, we require parents to complete an annual form to ensure we have your up-to-date information and a signed release form for the 2024–2025 school year. This allows students to participate in our weekly Tuesday activities; after the form is submitted, teens can check-in on their own each week.