31-day Prayer Guide
Proverbs 1・Isaiah 40:26–31
What does it mean for you to soar on the wings of eagles? Ask God for help to raise up your eyes of perspective to the one who created Heaven and earth. Thank God that he gives strength to the weary, He gives power to the weak. Declare out loud: I lift my up my eyes to see Heaven’s perspective. In Christ, I am strong and will not be weary. In Christ I have all that I need.
Identify an area in your soul where you are lacking some strength. Give the lack to Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His strength today.
Proverbs 2・Matthew 14:22–33
What are the waves in your life that are crashing against your boat? Out of routine? Fear of no income? Not being in control of your circumstances? Anxiety about getting sick? Take a few moments in prayer and ask Jesus to show himself to you walking on your waves. Maybe you see Him, maybe you feel Him, maybe you hear Him, maybe you “just know” he is there. Just ask Him to be present. Now, what is it going to take for you to get out of your boat and walk on the waves? Declare to yourself and to Jesus that you are a wave-walker!
Read Isaiah 26:3. Take the day to journal and think about what it means to experience “perfect peace” in the midst of your storm. Declare out loud that you are a peace-carrier in the midst of the storm.
Proverbs 3・John 14:1
Trusting in God can be easier when we can make logical sense of life. But when life throws you a curve ball, what does it look like for you to trust God when He doesn’t answer the “why?” Pray and ask Jesus to fill you with belief. Belief in a greater reality than what you can see. Pray and share with Jesus all of the areas that don’t make sense to you and tell Him that you will choose to trust Him.
Spend a few moments with God and ask the Holy Spirit to bring a person’s name to mind who may be struggling with trust. Pray for that person and reach out to them and encourage them today.
Proverbs 4・Jeremiah 29:11–14
God is not bound by time and He can see the end from the beginning. Pray and thank God that your future is in His hands. Praise Him that He has incredible plans for you. What does it mean to you that God will give you a future and a hope? Ponder for a moment the fact that God says that, “when you call upon Me and go and pray to Me, I will listen to you.” Wow! How does that make you feel? Knowing that He listens, what do you want to share with him about your future?
Write down or ponder what things God has given you a hope for. Declare out loud throughout your day that you have been given a future and a hope.
Proverbs 5・Ephesians 1
How do you feel after reading through Ephesians 1? What does it mean to you to have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ? What does it mean to you that God has put all things under the feet of Christ (v. 22)? Spend some time thanking and praising Jesus for redeeming you and giving you the inheritance of heaven. What do you think that inheritance is? How does this speak life and hope into you for today?
Open up your contacts on your phone, flick through the contacts twice and then stop it with your finger. Send whoever your finger stopped on a note of encouragement and share with them three things you appreciate about them.
Proverbs 6・Acts 2:42–47
Why do you think God created us to live in community? What does look like now to live in community with other people? Pray and thank God for the community that you are a part of. It could be a small group, church, group of friends, or the city you live in. Pray for each person that God highlights for you in that group.
Ask God for a specific way you can bless and encourage your community today.
Proverbs 7・1 Timothy 2:1–2
Spend some time praying for our government leaders—municipal, provincial, and national. Pray that God would give them wisdom in these difficult times. Pray that they would be open in these unprecedented times to encounter Jesus. Pray that our cities and provinces and nation would humble themselves and submit to the Lord. Pray for the peace of Christ to infuse our whole government system. Pray that we would be good citizens in this time and represent Jesus well.
Spend some time checking your heart: how has your heart been toward your leaders? Ask God for a pure heart toward all leaders whom God has placed above you. Spend a moment and pray a blessing over them. If you desire, send them a note of encouragement in these times.
Proverbs 8・Jeremiah 33:3
Think about this: The God who created the universe—the God who created you and brought life into existence with a spoken word—says to you, “Call out to me!” Not only that, He says that when you call to Him, He will answer you. How does that make you feel? That is an invitation from our heavenly Father to come closer to Him. What do you want to share with Him today? What is burdening your heart? Share it with Him. What are you calling out to Him for today? What are you searching for today?
Ponder throughout the day what you think what are the “great and mighty things” that He wants to show you.
Proverbs 9・Psalm 103
Think about all of the benefits that we receive through Jesus: forgiveness of all our sin, healing of all diseases, redemption from death and destruction, crowning of love, compassion and mercy, satisfaction of all good things, and countless more. What other words or phrases stand out particularly to you in Psalm 103 today? In light of all that we are currently going through in society, which promises do you find inspiring and hopeful for people? For yourself?
Spend some time thanking Jesus for all of our front-line workers in the medical field and specifically your provincial health services. Declare God’s protection over them from the virus. Declare supernatural strength and healing in Jesus name over all who may be sick. Declare healing over people who have unrelated sickness yet are affected by the virus as well. Pray for those families who have experienced loss because of COVID-19. Pray the comfort of Jesus our Great Shepherd and hope and peace in the midst of grief.
Proverbs 10・John 1:35–39
One of best ways to find out what Jesus is looking for in those who follow Him are through the kinds of questions that He asks. “What do you seek?” or “what do you want?” What kind of response do you think Jesus was looking for from the two disciples? How profound was the question that the disciples then asked Jesus “where are you staying?”? If Jesus was to ask you, “what do you seek,” how would you respond to Him? What do you think is significant about the disciples calling Jesus “Teacher?” What is Jesus teaching you these days?
Spend some time praying for all of the teachers in our Alberta Education system—for an increase in teaching creativity through an online system.
Pray for Educational Assistants and other educators who have lost their jobs—for provision and peace.
Pray for the students—as they adjust to new physical distancing realities when friendships are such an important part of their lives. Pray for hope and strength for them as they too adjust to new learning realities.
Proverbs 11・James 1:1–8
Arguably, James 1 can be quite a difficult passage to walk through. How do you think it is possible to consider it joy that you are going through all kinds of trials? Why do you think patience/perseverance (v. 3) is listed as the “product” of the testing of your faith? Why is that so important in our faith journey? What do you need wisdom for in these days? Pray and talk to Jesus about any trial you are walking through right now. Where are you feeling a lack of wisdom right now? Submit that to Jesus and ask him for His wisdom and he will give it to you generously!
Think about all the possibly trials that people in your neighbourhood community could be going through right now: lost jobs, new schedules, strange routines, physical distancing, not paying bills, etc. As these trials come to mind, begin praying for your neighbours. Pray that Jesus would reveal Himself to them in a supernatural way. Pray for ways in which you can help them in their current trial.
Proverbs 12・Isaiah 58:6–9
Looking at the passage in Isaiah, what do you think is important to God? How do you think fasting is connected to the releasing of people from injustices and heavy burdens? What else is Jesus calling us to in this passage? Pray to the Lord and talk to him about how is protecting you as your rear guard. What does that mean to you in these days?
Ask God to specifically lay a country your heart today. Pray for that country; declare protection over that country. Ask the Lord to be that country’s rear guard today. Speak peace and healing over that country. Declare salvation for souls in that country. Pray blessings over that country throughout the day.
Proverbs 13・Psalm 1
What does it look like for you to take delight in the law of the Lord? Ask God what it looks like in your own life to be planted by streams of water? What kind of leaves are you bearing these days? Do your leaves wither? What kind of fruit is it bearing? Could they bear more? Ask the Father to give you a picture/phrase/words about what a healthy tree in the kingdom looks like. Note the size, color, placement of tree, type of ground its rooted in, ask the Father to show you the root system, size of leaves, etc.
Spend some time focusing and praying through v. 3d (“and whatever he does shall prosper”). Respond to the Lord by asking Him to show you areas where you don’t feel like you are prospering in the Kingdom. Then ask God to help you prosper in those specific areas.
Proverbs 14・Matthew 6:25–34
How are you feeling after reading this passage? What do you notice about Jesus in this passage? Why do you think Jesus thinks worry is such an issue in the Kingdom? What is the “secret” to a worry-free life? What does it mean to you to live out v. 33 and how can you begin to make that a remedy for worry-free living?
Spend some time and ask the Lord to highlight any area in your life that you may be inclined to worry. Write out your list, then pray through each one and thank God that He will supply all of your needs for each one. Read and declare Philippians 4:19 over your life today.
Proverbs 15・Psalm 91
What characteristics of God most resonate with you in this passage? What do you think the “secret place of the Most High” is? What does it look like for you to dwell or permanently reside in that secret place? Do you think it’s possible—why or why not? Identify other promises in this passage and dialogue with Jesus about how they make you feel. The Lord promises to be with you trouble (v. 15)—how have you experienced this promise recently? What do you think it looks like to experience “long life” with the Lord?
Scroll through your contacts list in your phone and pray for 10 people the Lord highlights to you. Pray and declare the promises you see in Psalm 91 over them.
Proverbs 16・Galatians 5:22–26
Reflect on the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. How do you feel when you read about this fruit? Talk to Jesus about however you are feeling. These are gifts that become evident in our lives as we go deeper in our relationship with Jesus, being transformed more into his likeness. All of these fruits are postures of our heart, that are reflected in our behaviour. What do you think it means to “have crucified” the flesh? That is past tense. Why do you think sometimes then there appears to be a battle with the flesh is it has already been crucified? Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and revelation on this.
Spend some time with Jesus today celebrating areas of growth your own life where you see some of the fruit of the Spirit. Be in conversation with the Holy Spirit and be available for Him to show you areas where He wants you to bear even more fruit.
Proverbs 17・Genesis 2:8–25
Spend some time thinking and dream and imagining what Eden what have looked like. What do you see? What do you feel? What do you hear? What do you smell? What are different things that you are touching? Now spend some time thinking about what, in your mind, defines a perfect, unhindered relationship with the Father. Now with all of those thoughts and ideas you came up with regarding what that kind of relationship would look like, think through this thought: Our Father, sent His Son, in the power of His Spirit, to come in the flesh, to die for our sins, and was raised from the dead and sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Why did He come? To restore the Garden relationship with you! How does that make you feel? Do you believe it? Do you think it’s possible? Why or why not?
Spend some time praying today for people you know who do not yet know Jesus. Pray for their salvation. Pray they would encounter the love of God who wants to restore a Garden relationship with them as well.
Proverbs 18・Psalm 34
Read Psalm 34 through twice slowly. Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight certain words or phrases for you. Ask Him why those specific words were highlighted. You are never alone. Not only is the Holy Spirit living inside of you but God actually has angels encamped around you. How does that make you feel today? Ask the Father to give you a boost of courage and confidence today knowing that you are completely surrounded by Heaven.
List any area in your life where you are currently experiencing “trouble” (v. 17). Spend some time speaking out loud to each trouble you have listed and declare v. 17–19 over your troubles.
Proverbs 19・Ephesians 5:15–16
What do you think it means to redeem the time? How can time be redeemable? What do you think needs redeeming right now? You were created to live in such a time as this and each of us has a purpose to fulfill. What do you think God is asking of you, in redeeming the time? There is no “idle time” in the Kingdom. It is always advancing. Think about how God is calling you to specifically involved in proactively advancing His Kingdom.
Make a list of creative ways God is speaking to you today in how He wants you to redeem the time that you are in. Start making new plans or habits to begin redeeming the time for the Kingdom.
Proverbs 20・John 20:24–31
This is the famous passage where we get the unfortunate name “doubting Thomas” from. It’s an unfortunate and unmerited name given to one of Jesus’ disciples. Certainly, the whole three years was not marred with doubt, yet this one episode gave him the name forever. Why do you think Thomas had difficulty believing that Jesus had actually been raised from the dead and showed himself to other people? Was their experience true, even if Thomas had not yet experienced it for himself? Think of the different times you have heard about people experiencing different kinds of spiritual realities that maybe you haven’t. Have there been times when you have doubted the spiritual experiences of someone else? How does this relate to the passage? What do you think Jesus wants us to really get in this passage?
Ask God to show you ways in which you need a greater level of faith for. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. Ask God for greater faith for the promise that you are believing for to be fulfilled in your life.
Proverbs 21・Philippians 4:8–9
This passage helps us shape our Kingdom mindset. Many things clamor for our attention and our thoughts. If you are having a difficult time with negative mindsets these days, spend much time in this Philippians passage. How do you think meditating on things that are true, noble, just, of good virtue, etc. help with creating good mindsets?Reading v. 9, do you think that experiencing the peace of God is conditional based upon the level upon which we are meditating on these things?
Spend some time praying peace over our neighbourhoods, seniors homes, hospitals, and all levels of government.
Proverbs 22・Ephesians 6:10–20
We consciously put clothes on everyday. Have you ever thought through what it looks like to consciously “put on” your armour every day? How do you think it’s possible that we take the armour off? What do you notice about the relationship between your thought-patterns and how often you “put on” the helmet of salvation? What else stands out to you in the armour? What do you think is significant about each piece of armour? Spend some time with Jesus and consciously “put on” the armour. Maybe you want to visualize it!
Spend some time today thanking Jesus that He has given us everything we need to stay strong against the wiles of the devil. Pray through each area of your “body” (spirit, soul, physical body) that the armor protects.
Proverbs 23・Isaiah 6:1–8
Imagine for a few moments what it would be like to hear the seraphim crying aloud to one another: Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory! … Wow! How do you think you would respond when you discovered you were in the presence of the King? Spend some time thanking Jesus that He is the one who has taken all of your iniquity away and purged your sin. Why do you think Isaiah needed his lips cleansed with a “live coal” before the Lord asked whom He could “send out”? Why is this important to understand?
He is looking for people to “send.” What will it take for you to come a place where you can say, “Here am I! Send me!”? Are you really available? What do you think that means? Talk to Jesus about this today.
Proverbs 24・Psalm 125
Reflect on the promise that if you trust in the Lord, you are like Mount Zion which cannot be moved. Like the mountains around Jerusalem, the Lord says that He surrounds you. Talk to Jesus about how He surrounds you. What do you think He surrounds you with? Do you feel it? Do you believe it? If you struggle to experience this, ask Jesus for greater depth of faith to believe that you are surrounded by Him today.
Declare the praises of God today. Send a note to someone today and encourage them by sharing with them that they are surrounded by the Lord. Ask the Lord for three encouraging words you can give them.
Proverbs 25・Numbers 6:22–27
Read the Priestly Blessing (Num. 6:22–27) over yourself slowly, in three different translations. Pause at each phrase and pray whatever else comes to your mind from that phrase.
Read Num. 6:24–26 in front of a mirror or record it to yourself on your phone. Memorize it and speak it over yourself as often as you can. Ask Jesus to put one person on your heart today and pray this blessing over them as well, either with them hearing you or just on your own.
Proverbs 26・1 Kings 18:20–40
Spend some time in this passage and make notes of what stands out and fascinates you about it. Why do you think Elijah wanted twelve water pots poured over the alter beforehand? How do you think this relates to the twelve tribes of Israel? What do you think is one of the focal points to this whole passage (v. 37)? Think and ponder for a time the great lengths that the Lord will “sometimes” go through to call His people back to Himself. What do you think could be present-day scenarios in which God may be calling His people to turn their hearts back to Him?
Spend some time today praying for the prodigals. If you know anyone who has been wandering from their Creator, spend time praying them back. Pray for the Lord to turn their hearts and that their spirit would be sensitive to His voice. Pray for the prodigals to come home.
Proverbs 27・John 15:1–8
What do you think it means to abide in Jesus? Think deeply about this. Why do you think pruning is a good thing? Is it? What happens when God prunes? What kind of fruit do you think the Father is looking for that we bear? What do you think Jesus means by being able “to do nothing without Him”? What do you think is the relationship between abiding and asking for what you desire (v. 7)? Ask Jesus to give you deeper wisdom and revelation on what it means to remain or abide in Him.
Write a note to yourself, reminding you to abide in the vine and put it somewhere you frequently will see.
Proverbs 28・Matthew 28:18–20
Spend some time reflecting on this commissioning from Jesus. We are on a “co-mission”—who are we commissioned with to go? Why do you think we should be able to go out with all confidence and boldness (key word in v. 18)? What kind of disciples do you think Jesus wants His followers to make? Think about the great promise at the end—how does this spur you on to continue advancing His Kingdom?
Spend some time today praying for the harvest. Ask Jesus to show you what it means for you to go out into the harvest.
Proverbs 29・Joshua 1:1–9
What are some things you observe about the opening verses of Joshua 1? Why do you think it is important to remember the former things? Spend some time reflecting with Jesus on where you have seen His faithfulness in your past. God was looking for trust in His people. The Israelites were on a journey with God to the Promised Land, and He wanted His people to discover who they were in the heart journey as they traveled to the Promised Land. Why do you think it’s important to begin with trusting in God’s promises in order to propel us forward?
God told Joshua to “get up and start moving!” Respond to the Lord by way of preparing yourself to get up and start moving into a deeper experience with Jesus. What does that look like for you?
Proverbs 30・Judges 6:11–27
If an angel presented itself to you, would you doubt what it said? Why do you think Gideon responded the way he did in v. 13 and v. 15? What do notice about the Angel of the Lord’s responses to Gideon throughout this passage? What do you think changed Gideon’s mind about what the Angel of the Lord was asking him to do? How does knowing that our destiny is in Jesus’ hands help us respond to His voice in things that we may be hesitant to do?
Write down on a piece of paper, “I am a child of God” (Galatians 3:26), “I am more than a conqueror” (Romans 8:37), “I am always led in triumph in Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:14), or others. Tape them to your mirror or dashboard or any area you frequent. Recite them and speak them over yourself multiple times per day.
Proverbs 31・Deuteronomy 28:1–14
Reflect and talk with Jesus about all of the blessings you see promised to you in this passage. If you do not see some of those promises or blessings in your life yet, continue pressing in with Him and believe that they are for you.
Declare these blessings over your city, region, province, and nation today.