Filtering by: Equipping

Teach Your Children Well
to Mar 5

Teach Your Children Well

How do we parent our kids in ways that lead to lasting faith?

In this course, Sarah Cowan Johnson unpacks how parents can have an active discipleship role in forming their children’s faith, with age-appropriate insights and strategies for different developmental stages. She shows how we can identify God moments, facilitate spiritual encounters, clarify emerging beliefs, and encourage new faith habits in our children.

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One City Youth Rally
6:30 p.m.18:30

One City Youth Rally

Ready to change the world and release the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth?

We are so excited to host Airdrie’s next ONE CITY RALLY!!

Come and check out the biggest night of the year as TWELVE different youth communities gather together for an EPIC night of fellowship, fun, and fire teachings 🔥

This will be a night full of games, prizes, worship, community, and teaching from God’s word. You don’t want to miss it!

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City Wide Youth Rally
7:00 p.m.19:00

City Wide Youth Rally

Ready to change the world and release the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth?

Come and check out the biggest night of the year as NINE different youth communities gather together for an EPIC night of fellowship, fun, and fire teachings 🔥

This will be a night full of games, prizes, worship, community, and teaching from God’s word. You don’t want to miss it!

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Kingdom Business Leaders
9:00 a.m.09:00

Kingdom Business Leaders

If you consider yourself to be a business professional, entrepreneur, creative, or have a desire to start a new business venture, please join us at this special networking event.

Guest speaker, Heather Paton (Builders Collab and The Summit Church – Edmonton), will be exploring the Kingdom at work through the eyes of local business owners.

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Soul Care Journey
to Dec 4

Soul Care Journey

If you’re longing to experience freedom, you want to learn to walk in your true Kingdom identity, or grow in your relationship with God, then Soul Care is for you. Join us for an 8-week journey as we learn to surrender our baggage to Jesus, and embrace the Kingdom life He’s always wanted for us.

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