Greater Things Sunday with Special Guests Pastor Jennifer Mitchell & Sammy Robinson
June 4th is going to be a FULL Sunday. We have special guests Pastor Jennifer Mitchell from Lighthouse Church in Stony Plain AND Samuel Robinson the founder of Voice of Revival joining us on Sunday, June 4th. We believe that God is doing great things AND…. that He’s doing even greater things here at Kingdom City.
Pastor Jennifer Mitchell will be our guest speaker at our 9:00am and 11:15am worship services and then Sammy Robinson at our REVIVAL NIGHT service at 6:30pm.
Get ready and expectant for Greater Things!
Pastor Jennifer Mitchell
Pastor Jennifer was born and raised in Uganda, East Africa. Jennifer and her husband Cameron have been married for 14 years and have three children. With a psychology background, she served at Uganda Jesus Village orphanage for 5 years and later they served as the overseers for 2 years. Since coming to Canada, Jennifer and Cameron served as the directors for Freedom and Fire Ministries. This involved missions, self-sustaining projects, education, a feeding program, and travelling speakers for 8 years. Jennifer has served her local church in areas with youth, young adults, women, and personal ministry. Currently Jennifer is the Lead Pastor at the Lighthouse Church in Stony Plain Alberta.
Sammy Robinson
Samuel Robinson is the founder of Voice of Revival. He is a well-known international speaker and revivalist, as well as a life coach for entrepreneurs and professional athletes.
Samuel’s passion is to equip the body of Christ in understanding the call of God on their life and the importance finding their voice. Samuel and his wife, Kristen, currently reside in Edmonton, Canada, with their 3 young girls.