Isaiah 60:5
“Then you shall see and become radiant”
about the series
It's time to display the wonder, beauty & extravagant brilliance of God's Glory through our lives!
Join us for a fresh new teaching series about becoming Radiant as the people of God in this world.
In this series we will look in the Scriptures to discover how we may step into our Kingdom destinies with courage, fortify our faith, and receive God’s supernatural power for displaying His goodness and grace to transform our world.
Part 6 ∙ RADIANT
Pastor Sandy presents six pillars for spiritual growth.
Part 5 ∙ RADIANT
The Kingdom of Heaven is not tame. We are made in the image of God, made to be wild in the outworking of our faith in Him!
Part 4 ∙ RADIANT
Jesus followers are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We are meant to bring the good news of the gospel to a world lost in darkness.
Part 3 ∙ RADIANT
To be radiant, we need to be people of God's Presence: His omnipresece, His indwelling presence, His presence among two or more gathered in His Name, in praise & worship as He inhabits the praises of His people, and His manifest presence.
Part 2 ∙ RADIANT
Through intimacy with God we are given real, Divine capacity that releases & fulfills our Heaven-given assignment and purpose.
Part 1 ∙ RADIANT
Being radiant is about living fully alive in the presence, power and purposes of God so that we change the world.