
Kingdom City is local, regional, and global in our missional thinking. We want people everywhere to know Jesus. So we believe it’s important to raise up, equip, send out, and pray for full-time and short-term global workers.


International Workers

Kingdom City, as part of the Western Canadian District of the Christian & Missionary Alliance of Canada (C&MA), belongs to a group of C&MA churches known as the Calgary and North Region. Together, we associate with many international workers (IWs) who are sent as messengers of hope and healing to people around the world. Basic financial needs of the IWs are funded through the C&MA’s Global Advance Fund (below), to which local churches such as Kingdom City, donate regularly. Occasionally IWs will need to raise extra funds for special projects or purposes.



There’s an important connection between the local church and IW’s in advancing the Gospel: we need each other! Formalized partnerships help a local church and an IW build a solid relationship as both sides agree to pray for each other, get to know each other, keep each other informed, and work together to advance the Kingdom.


Global Advance Fund

Around the globe, C&MA workers are active in everything from building the local church to increasing educational opportunities, from helping people gain access to clean water to advocating for the marginalized. The Global Advance Fund is the primary means of providing for our Alliance workers, supporting over eighty IWs around the world—each worker’s cost of living in the country where he or she serves comes from this fund.

If you would like to give towards this fund through Kingdom City, click on the link below and ensure your donation is designated to Global Advance Fund.


Our church-family

We love it when people from our own church-family go out on global mission, whether as part of the C&MA or with other solid, Christian organizations. Over the years, we have seen a number of families or individuals head overseas for full-time or short-term mission involvement. This is an important part of releasing the Kingdom of heaven on earth.