Child Dedication

God loves kids! He’s deeply affectionate for them, and they hold a very special place in His heart. The Dedication moment is one in which parents bring their child before God and vow to love, raise, and guide them in a way that will honour and glorify Jesus.

What can i expect during a child dedication?

The dedication moment is an opportunity for parents to express before God, their family, and the church, their desire to raise their child in a God-honouring way. Because parents are the key role models for their children, they play a primary role in the dedication service. Parents will be asked if they commit to raising their child in a godly home. The Dedication is also a time of prayer, whereby a Pastor will pray over your child and dedicate him/her to the Lord.

What does Kingdom City Require for a family to take part in a dedication service?

Kingdom City requires that at least one parent be a committed child of God who has trusted Jesus Christ for salvation. Membership at Kingdom City is not essential for child dedication, however, attendance for a minimum of six months is preferred.


Child Dedications will take place at our worship services on select dates throughout the year. If you would like to dedicate your child, please email Shara Bittle→ and we will be in contact with you.