Prayer & Fasting
We are calling our Kingdom City Family to a special three-week focus of corporate prayer, personal fasting, and seeking the Lord as a Body of Believers for His hand to be upon us in the coming year. We are expecting much from Him, and believing He is preparing us for Kingdom advance in the year ahead.
Join us during these 21 Days in which we will have set apart some special ways to pray, worship, listen to God, and seek His face together. These events will happen alongside our main core gatherings and ministry events and will allow us to engage where and when we can.
Participate to the degree you are able, and, as well, we encourage you to have your own times of seeking and waiting upon the Lord.
There are resources to help guide you through these 21 Days - a Prayer and Fasting Guide, as well as a separate guide that will have all scriptures & declarations (coming soon) for you to follow along.