All Women Welcome
Women are invited to watch Father of Lights (2012) together at the church. Feel free to invite a friend or loved one to join you and connect with other women at Kingdom City and in the community.
Please Note: This event is intended for adults, however, young ladies (13+) are welcome to attend accompanied by a parent/guardian (view family-friendly rating). Childcare will not be available at the church.
This is a free event. Snacks and hot drinks will be provided.
Disclaimer: As we gather in person for ministry events and activities, please know that we follow all current health and safety measures for "places of worship," as outlined by the Alberta Government. Adults are, of course, self-responsible in deciding what events or activities they and/or their families will participate in, knowing that other attendees may carry the COVID-19 virus but not exhibit symptoms. For all church-related activities, we ask all participants (including staff and volunteers) to use hand sanitizer or wash hands with soap and water upon entering the church building or someone’s home, and to stay home if you’re feeling ill or running a fever.