about the series
We are part of the continuing movement of Jesus. Acts shows us how to follow the Lord into being a people Who see his Glory revealed and who Change the World.
Part 11 ∙ Book of Acts
We can be so caught up doing things for God that we miss true connection with Him. On the outside, it can seem like we have everything together, but on the inside we need real transformation. The grace offered on the cross is enough for us to connect with Jesus. We don't need to earn it or strive for it, we just need to submit our ability to His ability.
Part 10 ∙ Book of Acts
The Lord is breaking complacency off of His people. Today is the day to move in His power living in us!
Part 9 ∙ Book of Acts
What kind of people is God looking for? We are living in a moment in which a movement of God is taking place. God is advancing His Kingdom, and people are pressing into it.
Part 8 ∙ Book of Acts
From the present day, all the way back to the Early Church, moves of God through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit confront Religious people and religious mindsets. Is Religion God's idea and His desire for humanity? Or did God provide a better way to experience a life of freedom and joy?
Part 7 ∙ Book of Acts
Repentance - changing our mind, turning away from sin and confessing Jesus as Lord over our lives - leads to refreshing and revival!
Part 6 ∙ Book of Acts
We have been created to be Presence carriers so that wherever we go, people encounter Heaven.
Part 5 ∙ Book of Acts
The message of the Gospel summons people to repent, be baptised, and receive the gift of the Spirit which can lead to revival.
Part 4 ∙ Book of Acts
Pastor Sandy continues the Book of Acts message series, this time talking about being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Part 3 ∙ Book of Acts
We are better together than we are alone. God is restoring His Church to a be a community, a family united in Jesus, doing life TOGETHER!
Part 2 ∙ Book of Acts
Are we willing to get ready for something great? Are we creating space and time for God? Are we a people devoted to prevailing prayer? Prayer is what leads to a move of God.
Part 1 ∙ Book of Acts
The movement that Jesus started continues to this day, and we are part of that movement. Looking at the book of Acts, we have a blueprint to follow as His church today.