Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.

- Jeremiah 33:3




fasting & prayer guide

Fasting is voluntarily reducing or eliminating your intake of food and/or drink for a specific time and purpose. A fast can be for a single meal, or it can last for many days. 

Fasting Guide PDF→

Prayer Guide PDF

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  • Fasting is a spiritual discipline that Jesus practiced and God rewards (Matthew 6:18).

  • Fasting demonstrates the depth of your need, your humility, and your dependence on God. It’s an indication that you are serious enough about your prayer request to pay a personal price. It is not about “earning” an answer to prayer. God honors deep desire and faith and will answer out of grace; He cannot be blackmailed by human effort.

  • In the Bible, fasting is always connected with prayer. Fasting provides opportunity for focused prayer. Fasting releases God’s supernatural power. Prayer and fasting are ways God can work in us to deal blows to the enemy.




Use wisdom.

Drink water often and limit physical exercise. Try to seek God’s face continually, even when you’re tempted to focus on physical discomforts that come with fasting.

*If you are under 18: for your health and safety, please talk to your parents before beginning any type of fast. Adults: if you have any health issues or are pregnant or nursing, please seek a doctor’s advice before beginning any fast. In these cases, you should fast only if your health practitioner recommends it.*

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A partial fast is a good way to start if you’ve never fasted before. Partial fasts include:

  • 24-hour fast
    Abstain from meals and drink only water, fruit, or vegetable juices.

  • One meal fast
    Abstain from one meal for one or more days a week.

  • Daniel Fast
    Consume only foods such as vegetables, fruit, and nuts and drink only water (based on Daniel 1).



A full fast (for three or more days) is only recommended for those who have experience with fasting and are familiar with how fasting impacts their bodies. Full fasts include:

  • 24-hour fast
    Abstain from meals and drink only clear juices or water, one day/week.

  • 3- to 7-day fast
    Abstain from meals and drink only clear juices or water. It’s wise to have lighter meals before you start and after you end the fast to allow your stomach to adjust.

  • 14- or 21-day fast
    This length of fast is for those experienced in fasting. Be sure to sincerely seek God’s guidance, and if He directs you to proceed, follow the same food and drink guidelines as for the 3- to 7-day fast.




  • Think and pray about your reason to fast. What are you seeking God for: Guidance? Physical or spiritual health? Relationship healing? Repentance? Salvation for someone specific? Revival? Another reason?

  • Pray about the type and length of your fast, and then commit to doing it.

  • Think through normal activities you will need/choose to restrict during your fast.

  • Plan out the times you will read Scripture and pray during your fast. If there are opportunities for worship and prayer in the church or in your Community, join in.

  • If you would like to receive special prayer from the Ministry Team, come forward after a Sunday service.

  • Deal with sin in your life. Confess it, seek forgiveness, and/or forgive others.

  • For a longer fast, prepare yourself physically by limiting food intake a few days before and after the fast. Remember to consult your doctor first.

  • Decrease or refrain from social media, if possible.

  • Start your fast expecting God to work and answer your prayers!



Your personal experience may vary depending on the length of fast, and your age and overall health. These are some things that may happen at each stage:


Use the arrows to scroll through the stages of fasting.

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  • Give me/us a posture of humility before You during this time of fasting and prayer. God, humble me/us! 

  • Give me/us a growing hunger and thirst for You and Your presence.Holy Spirit, increase my/our desire and affection for the Father. 

  • Help me/us to hear Your voice and sense Your leading. Please reveal Yourself to me/us.

  • Search my/our heart and see if there is any offensive way in me/us. Lead me/us to freedom and forgiveness.

  • Purge any area of my/our life where I/we are not living in victory over sin.


  • Speak to me/us through dreams, visions, the Bible, and prophetic words.Help me/us to receive them well.

  • Deepen me/our compassion and love for the lost of the world, awaken me/us to Your mercy, and move me/us into greater mission advance.

  • Grant me/us Your protection, power and presence, and remove the enemy in every way.

  • ”Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth, just as it is in Heaven.” 

  • I offer my life to You, Jesus, and dedicate myself to You. You are my King and Lord (fully surrender).


Resources Used to Prepare the Fasting Guide:
“40 Days’ of Community” Resource by Rick Warren (2002)
“7 Steps to Successful Fasting & Prayer” by Bill Bright

 Other Resources:
“God’s Chosen Fast,” Arthur Wallis (1968)
“A Hunger For God - Desiring God Through Fasting And Prayer,” John Piper (2013)

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