

There is something really special about gathering together to worship Jesus. Learn about what to expect and frequently asked questions.

Sunday Service Times
9:00am | 11:15am


If you’re not ready or able to join us in person, no problem! Our service is available to live-stream on your TV or hand-held device.

Sunday Live Stream (MDT)
9:00am | 11:15am


Latest Messages


New series!

We invite you to stay engaged with your series groups as they continue exploring and discussing the weekly messages from our new series, starting Sunday, March 23rd.



Every person is designed with a need for Community, which is essential for our growth. 

Communities at Kingdom City exist to Release the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth by promoting authentic relational connections, championing spiritual growth, and advancing together on mission.

Begin your journey to connection, growth, and mission by exploring Kingdom City's community environments.


Looking to get connected?

Are you new here? We’d love to get to know you.

Can we pray for you?

Let us know how we can pray for you. We have a team of people who is dedicated to lifting you up in prayer.

What are you thankful for today?

Sharing stories builds faith and deepens our expectation of what God will do. What has God been up to in your life?

Do you need care or assistance?

We are here for you. If you or someone you know is struggling in any way, let us know how we can help (we will contact you for more information).


Our Team

We always bring our best. We laugh hard, loud, and often. To some, we may be just “staff.” But to us, we’re family—we can’t help it, given the experiences we’ve lived together, challenges we’ve rallied for, close quarters we’ve worked in, and common passion we share for releasing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.


Who Are We?

As a church, we have one distinct statement that defines why we exist: Releasing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This statement gives us our vision and direction, and invites us into something greater than ourselves. We have been called God's active Kingdom agents here on earth as we participate with Him to see the lost found, the broken healed, and captives and prisoners set free.



Your generosity allows us to continue investing into life-changing, Kingdom-building opportunities. Together, let’s make a bigger impact in our local community and the world.

You can give online, mail a cheque, or set up recurring giving.
